Practice Charter

Our approach to your healthcare

Chancery Lane Surgery is a 2 Doctor Practice in an ex-mining, semi-rural location serving local area’s which includes Chapel End, Camphill, Hartshill and Ansley Common, opening 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday to Friday and 9:00 to 12:00 noon on a Saturday.  We also host the Extended Hours service operated by Coventry & Rugby GP Alliance and details of this service can be found on our home page.

Whilst there has been a surgery here for many years, the current premises were purpose built in 1987 on the site which housed The Rose Inn and currently has approximately 6,000 registered patients.

We employ two part-time nurses and a Health Care Assistant who offer a variety of services including Wound Care, Child Immunisations, Holiday Vaccinations as well as specialist clinics for patients on various specialist registers for patients with Diabetes, Asthma/COPD, Heart Disease and Hypertension.  Seasonal clinics are undertaken to offer vaccinations for diseases such as Influenza and Pneumonia and we participate in health screening programmes such as Cytology (Smears) and Risk assessments for osteoporosis.

Working closely with other Health Care Agencies we also utilise the services of a Midwife and Health Visitors and liaise with the District Nurses and Community Matrons to ensure services for patients who are house-bound are accessible.  Throughout the year we accommodate other specialist Health Service providers such as the Breast screening and Retinal screening Services.

An administration team comprising of a Operations Manager, Finance & Development Manager, Medical Secretary, Reception Supervisor and seven reception staff, two of whom also cover admin duties.

Patient’s rights and responsibilities

As a patient you can expect

  • To be treated with courtesy and with respect for your privacy and dignity
  • To receive treatment on the basis of your clinical need.
  • To be able to choose to have a friend or relative with you during consultations and examinations.
  • Staff to understand that you might be feeling anxious and vulnerable and that this may effect the way you behave.
  • To be told approximately when an appointment is likely to be.
  • To be informed on arrival at an appointment if delays are occurring and to receive an explanation why: to take part in all decisions about your treatment and to have the pros and cons of treatment, including any risks, side effects and alternative methods of treatment fully explained to you.
  • To be encouraged to ask questions about your diagnosis and treatment and to receive clear information in writing.
  • To be given a telephone number and the name of someone you can ring with any further queries.
  • To have details about you, including your medical records and anything you say , treated in confidence and , except where required from law, to be given an opportunity to decide whether your details can be passed to anyone else.
  • To be given access to information kept about you.
  • To know the names and professional status of all the staff involved in your care.
  • To be told what aftercare, including rehabilitation, you will need to know how long this should last and the anticipated outcome.
  • To receive an explanation and, where appropriate, an apology if things go wrong.
  • To be able to complain if you are unhappy with the treatment you receive and to be given the name of someone who can help you with this if you wish.
  • To choose whether you see medical and other healthcare students or not, or take part in any trials, surveys etc.
  • To be able to request a second opinion

As a patient you have a responsibility…

  • To treat staff who care for you with courtesy and respect at all times
  • To inform the surgery at once of any change in contact address or telephone number.
  • To attend appointments on time, or give reasonable notice of inability to attend.
  • To understand that there are pressures and limitations of resources on the health service and those working within it.
  • To consider the consequences of refusing treatment or not following medical advice and accept responsibility for your own actions.
  • To let staff know if you have any allergies or sensitivities to medications.
  • To give staff full information about your condition including permanent disabilities, along with the details of any medicines you are taking.
  • To tell staff if you are uncertain or don’t understand any aspect of your treatment.
  • To tell staff about any change in your health that could affect the treatment you are having.
  • To take any medicines as instructed and seek medical advice before stopping or changing treatment.
  • To treat other patients with courtesy and respect.
  • To attend follow up appointments as directed by Doctor or Nurse.

Who has access to patient information

To give you the care you need, we keep information about your visits to surgery staff involved in your care or treatment. These could be visits to a GP or a practice nurse, or a visit by a health visitor. We keep information about your health and lifestyle and any illnesses, tests, prescriptions and other treatments that you have had.  When this information contains things that can identify you, such as your name, address, postcode or date of birth, it’s called your personal health information. This information is stored securely on paper or on computer, or both.

Your Records at the Surgery are securely maintained on a firewall EMIS Server to NHS Secure IT Infrastructure Specifications. No one except for GP or Nurse treating you, or administration staff processing appointments or processing requests for repeat medication, can see your medical-records.  Non-clinical staff are bound by confidentiality agreements in their contracts of employment.

We sometimes share your personal health information with other organisations involved in your healthcare. We only share relevant information. For example, when your GP refers you to a specialist at the hospital we send relevant details about you in the referral letter and receive information back from them about you. We sometimes share information including your name, address and date of birth so that you can be invited for health screening.

We also need to use your personal health information for administrative tasks, but we only use relevant information. So that we can be paid for services we give you, we share information about you with relevant NHS organisations. These organisations help to check that public money is being spent properly. The surgery must allow these checks to be done and we need to share your information to be able to give you healthcare services. Whenever we do this we will make sure that as far as possible we don’t share any information that could identify you.

The surgery is sometimes involved  in health research and in teaching student nurses, doctors and other NHS staff or there is a service that we give jointly with your local authority then we will always ask your permission before giving them your information.

Sometimes the law requires us to pass information to other organisations e.g. births, deaths and certain diseases or crimes.

The law sets out how we can use your personal health information. The General Data Protection Regulations 2016 gives you rights about how your personal information is used, including a right to see the information we hold about you. We are registered under the General Data Protection Regulations 2016 for the information we hold about our patients and comply with it in every aspect. In addition, all NHS staff have a legal duty to keep information about you confidential.

For further information on how we use, store and process your personal data please see our Privacy Statement on the GDPR page which can be found on the “about us” section of the web-site.

Policy on violent or abusive patients

The practice considers aggressive behaviour to be any personal, abusive and/or aggressive comments, cursing and/or swearing, physical contact and/or aggressive gestures.

The practice will request the removal of any patient from the practice list who is aggressive or abusive towards a doctor, member of staff, other patient, or who damages property.

All instances of actual physical abuse on any doctor or member of staff, by a patient or their relatives will be reported to the police as an assault.

Change of patient’s personal details

If you change your name, address, postcode or telephone number please give full details to reception. Remember to tell us if details for other members of your family have also changed.

When should I see a nurse?

There are three Nurses based at the practice and a Health Care Assistant. You can see them for any of the following:

  • Asthma Check
  • Smears
  • Ear Syringing
  • Blood Pressure Review
  • CHD/COPD Check
  • Weight Management
  • Rashs/Infections
  • Well Person Check
  • New patient Registrations
  • Dressings
  • Diabetes Check
  • Baby Immunisations
  • Smoking Cessation
  • ECG
  • Suture Removal
  • Minor Ops(warts, verrucca etc)
  • Spirometry
  • Depo Provera/Zoladex Injections
  • Travel Vaccinations

To make an appointment for any of the above please contact the surgery.

How can patients have their say

Patient Participation Group —The practice holds quarterly meetings with a group of patients representing your views.  If you have any issues you would like raised please inform a member of staff.