
Caring is very challenging at the best of times but the last couple of years has been especially difficult for those with caring responsibilities. Carers Week is an opportunity to recognise carers and what they do for family, neighbours and friends as caring is a 24/7 role that our residents undertake.

Chancery Lane Surgery supports Carers Week and this year it will take place on 6th to 12th June

The theme this year is Making Caring Visible Valued and Supported (

This year Warwickshire County Counsel are recommissioning an All Age Carer Wellbeing and Support Service which is due to start on 1st October 2022. This service, along with our partners and stakeholders, will aim to recognise and support, adult carers, young carers, parent carers and offer seamless accessible support and remove barriers. We need your support and the support of people and organisations you work with to identify carers who are often hidden and don’t self-identify as carers.

Wherever carers may present to us in our work, or our community networks we should all know how carers can be supported and understand the impact caring has on our residents. For the latest information on carers support please visit