Controlled Drug Prescriptions

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Schedule 2 and 3 controlled drugs (except temazepam)

The Practice will adopt best practice and ensure that the quantity for prescriptions of Schedule 2, 3 & 4 drugs will be limited to a quantity necessary for up to 28 days clinical need, issued as an ACUTE prescription unless there is a genuine need or exceptional circumstances where the prescriber believes a supply of more than 28 days medication is clinically indicated and would not pose an unacceptable threat to patient safety.  At the end of 28 days, the patient must make an appointment with the GP to review medication.

In this event, the prescriber will:

  • Make a note of the reasons for a continuation of said medications in the patient’s notes.
  • Be ready to justify his / her decision if required (the decision is not to prescribe a continuation).

Temazepam and Schedule 4 and 5 controlled drugs

Prescriptions for temazepam and for Schedule 4 and 5 CD’s are exempt from the specific prescription requirements of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001.
However they must still comply with the general prescription requirements as specified under the Medicines Act.